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Located near Custer
The frontier town of Junction was just across the Yellowstone River. It was a stage station for outfits heading for old Fort Custer which used to be twenty-five or thirty miles south of here on the Crow Reservation. The original Reservation took in everything in Montana west of the Tongue River and south of the Yellowstone.
There isn’t anything left of Junction except a few unkempt graves along the hillside but she was lurid in her days. Calamity Jane sojourned there awhile and helped whoop things up. Calamity was born in Missouri, raised in Virginia City, Montana, and wound up at Deadwood, South Dakota. She had quite a dazzling social career.
Several years ago they found a skeleton of a three-horned dinosaur in the formation which makes the bluffs on the north side of the river. It must have bogged down some time before Junction did, probably a couple of million years.