Paddling Adventures around Billings


Billings ,Billings Area

Map Location

Lewis and Clark ExpeditionThings to DoRafting/ Float Trips/ ATV/ Guides and Adventure Services
General info

The Yellowstone

When you float this section of the Yellowstone, you are following the same route that Captain Clark followed on his return trip shortly before meeting up with Meriwether Lewis at the junction of the Yellowstone and the Missouri. It is on this section where Captain Clark and the Corps of Discovery were dumbstruck by the incredible numbers of wildlife. It is also here that you will view, even today, abundant wildlife.

This section is part of the “prairie” section of the river and braids slowly through the area. It is the islands, sandbars, and backwaters that create an exceptional wildlife habitat.

This is the area where fur trappers came to trap countless beavers, as well as mink, muskrat, and otter. Here you will see whistling swans and sandhill cranes. Other avian species here include eared grebes, white pelicans, doubled breasted cormorant, occasional whooping cranes and numerous wild turkeys.

The river is easy to navigate for beginners except during runoff. Watch for diversion dams at Forsyth and Intake. Both of these have difficult and unmarked portages at river right.

The Tongue River

One argument that may never be settled is how the Tongue got its

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