Hike the Bridger Ridge


15795 Bridger Canyon Road,Bozeman 59715,Bozeman Area

Map Location

Things to DoDown Hill and Cross-country SkiingHiking/Backpacking
General info

Take a Walk Through Time

The old Lakota was wise. He knew that mans heart away from nature becomes hard: he knew that lack of respect for growing, living things soon led to lack of respect for humans, too. So he kept his youth close to its softening influence.

-Chief Luther Standing Bear, OgIala Sioux

Few places in Montana offer the adventurous and observant hiker a better opportunity to walk through time than do the Bridger Mountains. Pay close attention and you can experience the natural world much like the Native Americans and early explorers who traveled through these mountains in the past. Like them, you will discover that wildflowers still grow in profusion along the trails. Hawks and eagles still circle and soar overhead as they migrate home. Mountain goats, ground squirrels, pikas and marmots still skitter along the rocks and if you look closely, youll discover that even the rocks themselves have a story to tell.

Stop, look, and listen as you walk along this spectacular ridge, and enjoy your walk through time.

Follow the Footsteps Of Early Explorers

Many of the early mountain tribes, including the Salish, the Pend dOreille, and the Kootenai, crossed Bridger Ridge

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1627 W. Main #447
Bozeman, MT 59715

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