Divide Bridge Campground
- Categories:
- RV Parks and/or Campgrounds, Boating/ Boating Tours/ Water Craft Rentals, Camping, Rafting/ Float Trips/ ATV/ Guides and Adventure Services, Fishing/ Fishing Access Sites, Hiking/Backpacking, Bird and Wildlife Viewing
- Keywords:
- General info
There are 21 campsites located on the Big Hole River. Each site has a table and fire ring. Vault toilets and water available. Boat ramp nearby. The Big Hole River has blue ribbon trout fishing. $10/nigh fee. 14-day maximum stay. Open all year round. River popular for floating guided float company close by.
Directions: Take the Divide Exit from I-15, approximately 30 miles south of Butte. Sites are located both south and west of Divide. Sites west of Divide are located along Montana Highway 43.
Divide Bridge Campground