Eagle Guard Station Cabin


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Places to StayForest Service CabinsHiking/BackpackingBird and Wildlife Viewing
General info

The former Eagle Creek Ranger Station is now available as a rental cabin.  The Eagle Creek Cabin was originally built by Richard (Dick) Owen about 1895 as a home for himself, his wife Sarah, and daughter Sadie. During that same time, the country was experiencing a booming gold rush.  Dick Owen worked at Hassel in the mines and possibly at the Park mines. By the early 1900s, the Owen's had moved to Radersburg, where Sarah Owen ran a boarding house.  In 1905, the Elkhorn Forest Reserve was formed.  In 1908, the Helena National Forest was designated and Eagle Cabin became an administrative site. The Eagle, Tizer, and Glendale Stations were all linked by a telephone line and connected to the switchboard at a Radersburg store. The cabin is the oldest administrative log structure on the Helena National Forest and predates the establishment of the Forest.  Eagle Station was used by the Forest Service on a regular basis until the early 1950s. Riders from the Crow and Indian Creek Livestock Association used the cabin over the years until the 1970s.  Due to the historical value of Eagle Cabin, it has been determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic

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