Marten Creek Campground
- Categories:
- RV Parks and/or Campgrounds, Lakes and Rivers, Boating/ Boating Tours/ Water Craft Rentals, Camping, Fishing/ Fishing Access Sites, Hiking/Backpacking, Swimming, Bird and Wildlife Viewing
- Keywords:
- General info
Marten Creek Campground is located at Marten Creek Bay on the Noxon Reservoir in the Kootenai National Forest. There are 6 campsites and 4 with shelters. Each site has a picnic table and a fire ring. One campsite can accommodate up to 45 people. Vault toilets are available. No water. Pack in pack out the campground. Boat launch nearby. Fishing enjoyed here. No fee for the campsite. Open all year. Managed May 15 through October 30.
Directions: From Trout Creek, travel Marten Creek Road 2229 northwest for 7 miles to the campground. From Noxon, travel Marte Creek Road 2229 southeast for 9 miles.
Marten Creek Campground