Established on the Yellowstone River, Sanders draws its name from pioneer and former US Senator W. F. Sanders. The community’s post office has been operating since 1904 with Ollie Smith serving as the first postmaster.
Photo Gallery Billings Area
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Bighorn Canyon 2
Bighorn Canyon 640x480
Bighorn Canyon Goats.2 640x480
Bighorn Canyon Goats.3 640x480
Bighorn Canyon Goats.6 640x480
Bighorn Canyon Goats.7 640x480
Bighorn Canyon.4 640x480
Bighorn Canyon.5 640x480
Bighorn Canyon.6 640x480
Bighorn Canyon.7 640x480
Bighorn Canyon.8 640x480
Custer Battlefield 2 640x425
Custer Battlefield 3
Custer Battlefield 6 640x425
Overlook Pt 640x480
Overlook Pt Colin 640x480
Pompey s Pillar 640x480
Pompeys Pillar 3 640x425
S. Pryors 2 640x480
S. Pryors 640x480
Section 2 Rural 640x425