The Blackfeet Indians called the creek running near this town Un-es-putcha-eka which translated to "Big Sandy Creek" and the town was named for the creek. This is one of the more colorful towns of the Old West. Novelist B.M. Bower lived here and used this town as the model for "Dry Lake" in her Flying U novels. Charles Russell worked on some of the nearby ranches.
John Willard, in his book Adventure Trails in Montana, writes, "Big Sandy was a cow town of long tradition and a freighting center when goods were unloaded at the Coal Banks Landing just south of here on the Missouri River. Materials for Fort Assiniboine were delivered at Coal Banks by river steamer, then freighted overland to the fort."
The railroad found the water source to its liking and erected a water tower nearby along with the McNamara freight depot. History records that a saloon was opened in a tent near McNamara and Marlow’s freight depot in 1886 followed soon after by another saloon, the Log Cabin. These two depots, the saloons (nine in all—mostly tents with wood floors), a warehouse, and a boxcar that the section foreman lived in made up the beginnings of the town. As the town grew, and the number of cowboys, settlers, and railroad men increased, the Spokane Hotel was built to accommodate the increased traffic.
By 1912 the town was booming with homesteaders and the Great Northern Railroad moved its depot into town. Before that, a horse-drawn shuttle bus carted passengers to and from the train a short distance away. The 1-1/2 mile ride cost a mere 50¢. By 1919, the homesteader boom was a bust. Many sold out and moved on. Those that stayed bought what the others sold and became sustainable-sized farms.
Photo Gallery Havre Area
Bear Paw Battlefield 5 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 6 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 7 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 8 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 9 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 10 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 11 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 12 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 13 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 14 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 15 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 16 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 17 640x425
Bear Paw Battlefield 18 640x425
CMR Reserve 3 640x425
Havre Undergound 7 640x446
Havre Underground 1 640x447
Havre Underground 3 640x446
Havre Underground 4 640x446
Havre Underground 5 640x446
Havre Underground 6 640x451
Hill Statue Havre
Lady of Lil Rockies 1 640x425
Lady of Lil Rockies 2 640x425
Lady of Lil Rockies 3
Lady of Lil Rockies 4
Lady of Lil Rockies 6
Lady of Lil Rockies 7
Lady of Lil Rockies 8
Liberty County Museum 640x425
Little Rockies View 2 640x425
Mission Canyon 1
Missouri Breaks 1 640x480
Missouri Breaks 2
Missouri Breaks 3
Missouri Breaks 4
Missouri Breaks 5 640x480
Missouri Breaks 6 640x480
Missouri Breaks 7 640x480
Missouri Breaks 8 640x480
Missouri Breaks 9
Missouri Breaks 10
Missouri Breaks 11 640x480
Missouri Breaks 12
Missouri Breaks 13 640x480
Missouri Breaks 14
Missouri Breaks 15 640x480
Missouri Breaks 16 640x480
Missouri Breaks 17
Missouri Breaks 18
Missouri Breaks 20 640x480
Missouri Breaks 21
Missouri Breaks 22
Missouri Breaks 24 640x480
Missouri Breaks 25 640x480
Missouri Breaks 26 640x480
Missouri Breaks 30
Missouri Breaks 31 640x480
Missouri River Kipp Park 1 640x425
Missouri River Kipp Park 2 640x425
Missouri River Kipp Park 3 640x425
Missouri River View 1
Missouri River View 2
Missouri River View 3
Our Lady of the Rockies 640x425
St Paul Mission
Wild Turkeys Landusky 2 640x425
Zortman Church
Zortman Jail 640x425