Richey sits in the middle of productive ranching and farming country. Cattle and sheep co-exist amidst fields of wheat, oats, and barley. The author pulled into this town right at the start of the high school’s homecoming parade. Had to wait almost 90 seconds for it to pass. It’s a fun little town.
Photo Gallery Northeast Montana
Big Open 2 640x425
Big Open 3 640x425
Big Open 640x425
Fort Peck Theatre 640x425
Fort Union 11 640x425
Four Buttes 640x425
Peerless Beer Sign
Pioneer Town Scobey 1 640x425
Pioneer Town Scobey 2 640x425
Pioneer Town Scobey 3 640x425
Pioneer Town Scobey 4 640x425
Pioneer Town Scobey 5 640x425
Pioneer Town Scobey 6 640x425
Pioneer Town Scobey 7 640x425
Pioneer Town Scobey 8 640x425
Plentywood Gulches 1 640x425
Plentywood Gulches 2 640x425
Plentywood Gulches 3 640x425
Plentywood Gulches 4 640x425
Powerhouse Museum Ft
Sugar Beet Fairview