Fromberg is a Slavic name, that was given to the town by the large population of Slavic who moved here in the early 1900s and started farmlands. It was originally called Gebo after a man who started a coal mine in this town. The area was called “Poverty Flats” because of droughts that occurred, almost causing locals to starve.
After the irrigation system was installed, the land prospered and still remains rich farming land.
Photo Gallery
Beartooth Highway 1
Beartooth Hike 2 640x480
Beartooth Hike 6 640x480
Beartooth Hiway 2
Beartooth Hiway 3
Beartooth Hiway 8 640x480
Beartooth Hiway 9 640x480
Beartooth Hiway 10 640x493
Beartooth Hiway 11 640x480
Beartooth Hwy Web 3 640x480
Beartooth Lake 2 640x480
Beartooth Lake 640x480
Beartooth Stream 640x480
Beartooth Treeline 640x480
Bible in Rock 4
Bible in Rock 10 640x425
Bible in Rock 14 640x425
Bible in Rock 18 640x425
Bible in Rock 640x425
Carbon County Museum 2 640x425
Charles Ringer 2 640x425
Downtown Fromberg 640x425
Little Cowboy Bar 2 640x425
Plenty Coups Statue Red Lod 640x425
Reed Point 640x477
Sheep Run
Sheep Run 3
Sheep Run 4
IMG 5613
Beartooth Pass from Montana to Wyoming
IMG 5614
Beartooth Pass from Montana to Wyoming