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1. Bozeman Trail - Historical Marker

 Norris, Bozeman Area
In 1840, the Oregon Trail was the primary emigration route across the northern part of the United States. More Info

2. Adobetown

 Virginia City, Butte Area
Placer riches in Alder Gulch spawned many colorful communities. Among them, Adobetown flourished briefly as the center of mining activity in 1864. In that year alone, miners extracted over $350,000 in gold from nearby streams. More Info

3. Buffalo Country Historical Marker

 Glasgow, Northeast Montana
Buffalo meant life to the Plains Indians, and the mountain Indians used to slip down from the hills for their share, too. More Info

4. Atlantic Cable Quartz Lode Historic Marker

 Anaconda, Butte Area
Location: West of Anaconda This mining property was located June 15, 1867, the name commemorating the laying of the second transatlantic cable. More Info

5. Beaverhead Rock

 Dillon, Butte Area
On August 10, 1805, members of the Lewis and Clark expedition pushed their way up the Jefferson River’s tributaries toward the Continental Divide and the Pacific Ocean beyond. More Info

6. Anaconda Historical Marker

 Anaconda, Butte Area
Location: East edge of Anaconda Selected by Marcus Daly as a smelter site in 1883 because of an abundant supply of good water, Anaconda was the home of the Washoe Smelter of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company until 1980. More Info

7. Cow Country Historical Marker

 Roundup, Central Montana
In the 1880s, days of the open range, many a roundup outfit worked this country. More Info

8. Chief Plenty Coups Statue Marker

 Red Lodge, Red Lodge Area
Crow country once ranged from Three Forks to the Black Hills, from the Musselshell to the Big Horn Mountains. More Info

9. Captain Wm. Clark

 Greycliff, Livingston Area
You are now following the historic trail of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. On his return from the Pacific in July 1806, Captain Clark camped for six days about forty miles downstream, near Park City. More Info

10. Bear Mouth Historical Marker

 Drummond, Southwest Montana
Location: West of Drummond Bear Mouth, across the river to the south, was a trading point for the placer camps at Beartown, Garnet, and Coloma located in the hills north of here. More Info

11. Browne's Bridge

 Apex, Butte Area
Browne’s Bridge was constructed as a toll bridge by Fred Burr and James Minesinger in late 1862 and early 1863. More Info

12. Butte Historical Marker

 Butte, Butte Area
The “greatest mining camp on earth” built on “the richest hill in the world.” More Info

13. Continental Divide Elevation 6325 Historical Marker

 Helena, Helena Area
MacDonald Pass joins two other Continental Divide crossings as vital links between east and west in Montana. More Info

14. Fort Maginnis Historical Marker

 Lewistown, Central Montana
Fort Maginnis, the last army post created in Montana, was built about 8 miles north of here in 1880. More Info

15. The Humbug Spires Primitive Area

 Butte, Butte Area
Named for its unique granite peaks, this primitive area is part of a geologic system of large-scale volcanic intrusions known as the Boulder Batholith, which extends north beyond Helena and south into Idaho. More Info

16. Madison Valley - Historic Marker

 McAllister, Bozeman Area
Settlement of the Madison Valley followed on the heels of the Gold Rush to Alder Gulch in the mid 1860s. More Info

17. Jefferson Valley

 Twin Bridges, Butte Area
The Lewis and Clark Expedition, westward bound, came up the Jefferson River in August 1805. More Info

18. Hurry Honyocker Hurry! Historical Marker

 Havre, Havre Area
Honyocker, scissorbill, nester … He was the Joad of a quarter-century ago, swarming into hostile land; duped when he started, robbed when he arrived. More Info

19. Elling Bank

 Virginia City, Butte Area
Bankers Nowland and Weary set up business in this brick-veneered building, one of the town’s oldest stone structures, in 1864. More Info

20. Father De Smet

 Whitehall, Butte Area
The Lewis and Clark Expedition passed here, westward bound, August 2, 1805. Captain Lewis named the Boulder River “Fields Creek” for one of the party. More Info

21. Virginia City

 Virginia City, Butte Area
All of Montana has the deepest pride and affection for Virginia City. No more colorful pioneer mining camp ever existed. More Info

22. Fort Chardon Historical Marker

 Big Sandy, Havre Area
Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark passed through this area (1805) on their expedition to the Pacific Ocean, and the landscape here remains much as they described it. More Info

23. Madison Hotel - Historical Marker

 West Yellowstone, Big Sky/Yellowstone Area
The Forest Service granted Jess Pierman a special-use permit to build a hotel and restaurant here in 1910. More Info

24. Fort Peck Indian Reservation Historical Marker

 Poplar, Northeast Montana
Fort Peck Indian Reservation is the home of two tribes, whose forefathers were living in this vicinity when Lewis and Clark came up the Missouri. More Info

25. Traveler's Rest Historic Marker

 Lolo, Southwest Montana
Location: South of Lolo The Lewis and Clark Expedition, westward bound, camped at the mouth of Lolo Creek September 9th, 10th, 1805. More Info

26. First Discovery of Gold in Montana Historical Marker

 Gold Creek, Southwest Montana
Location: East of Gold Creek Opposite this point, a creek flows into the Clark Fork River from the west. In 1852, a French halfbreed, Francois Finlay, commonly known as “Benetsee,” prospected the creek for placer gold. More Info

27. Junction

 Custer, Billings Area
The frontier town of Junction was just across the Yellowstone River. More Info

28. Lennep Mercantile Historical Marker

 Lennep, Central Montana
Built in 1914 by M. T. Grande, this building housed a grocery store with a small supply of dry goods. More Info

29. Robbers' Roost

 Sheridan, Butte Area
In 1863, Pete Daly built a roadhouse on the stage route between Virginia City and Bannack to provide entertainment for, man and beast. More Info

30. Nevada City

 Nevada City, Butte Area
A ghost town now, but once one of the hell roarin’ mining camps that lined Alder Gulch in the 1860s. More Info

31. Metropolitan Meat Market

 Virginia City, Butte Area
George Gohn was one of the first to arrive at Alder Gulch in 1863 where he and Conrad Kohrs set up a meat market in a log cabin. More Info

32. Medicine Tree Historical Marker

 Darby, Southwest Montana
This Ponderosa Pine has been standing guard here on the bend of the river for nearly 400 years. More Info

33. Emigrant Gulch

 Emigrant, Livingston Area
A party of emigrants who had traveled with a wagon train across the Plains via the Bozeman or Bonanza Trail arrived in this gulch August 28, 1864. More Info

34. The Shambo Stagecoach Station

 Monida, Butte Area
The historic Shambo waystation was once located on the opposite side of Shambo Pond. The station served as a livery and overnight stop for the Monida and Yellowstone which acted as a link between the railhead at Monida, Montana, and Yellowstone. More Info

35. Cooke City

 Cooke City-Silver Gate, Big Sky/Yellowstone Area
In 1868 a party of prospectors came into this country by way of Soda Butte Creek. They found rich float but were set afoot by Indians. More Info

36. Liquid Gold Historical Marker

 Vandalia, Northeast Montana
Water is the lifeblood of Montana. During the state’s early settlement, the rivers provided transportation and trading routes; later they sustained the livestock and crops of ranchers and homesteaders More Info

37. Claggett Hill Trail Historical Marker

 Winifred, Havre Area
In 1866, the U.S. Army established Camp Cooke on the west bank of the Judith River near here to protect local settlers from Indian raids. More Info

38. Ingomar Public School Historical Marker

 Ingomar, Central Montana
As hundreds of farmers and ranchers homesteaded the arid, treeless plains of northwestern Rosebud County, the townsite of Ingomar was platted along the tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway in 1912. More Info

39. Red Lodge

 Red Lodge, Red Lodge Area
Coal was discovered in the Rock Creek Valley nearly two decades before Red Lodge was established as a mail stop on the Meteetsee Trail in 1884. More Info

40. Dinosaurs Historical Marker

 Jordan, Northeast Montana
Difficult to believe now, but 80 million years ago the middle of our continent was a shallow sea. More Info

41. The Montana-Utah Road

 Dell, Butte Area
Interstate 15 is the latest in a series of roads that have traversed this area since prehistory. Although used for generations by Native Americans, the first recorded use of this route was by the Lewis and Clark Expedition on August 10, 1805. More Info

42. First Methodist Episcopal Church of Chester

 Chester, Havre Area
The first two decades of the twentieth century saw railroad promotion and homestead settling along Montana’s Hi-Line. Chester was one of the first communities to spring up along the new Great Northern Railway Line in the 1890s. More Info

43. In Memoriam Historical Marker

 Frazer, Northeast Montana
In the summer of 1837, an American Fur Trading Company steamboat laden with trade goods made its way from St. Louis to Fort Union. More Info

44. Targhee Pass

 West Yellowstone, Big Sky/Yellowstone Area
This pass across the Continental Divide takes its name from an early-day Bannack Chief. Free trappers and fur brigades of the Missouri River and Rocky Mountain Fur companies were familiar with the surrounding country... More Info

45. The Three Forks of the Missouri - Historical Marker

 Three Forks, Bozeman Area
This region was alive with beaver, otter and game before the white man came. It was disputed hunting territory with the Indian tribes. More Info

46. Greening Bank Historical Marker

 Ingomar, Central Montana
Completion of the ‘’Milwaukee Road” brought hundreds of homesteaders to Ingomar during the 1910s. By 1914, wood-frame homes and a small commercial district proclaimed the town a permanent settlement. More Info

47. Fort Union Historical Marker

 Bainville, Northeast Montana
Fort Union, one of the largest and best-known trading posts of the fur days, was located on the Missouri near the mouth of the Yellowstone, about 14 miles southeast of here. More Info

48. Pfouts & Russel (Rank's Drug-Old Masonic Temple)

 Virginia City, Butte Area
Paris Pfouts, Vigilante president, and Virginia City’s first mayor was instrumental in laying out the town. More Info

49. J.A. Bookman General Store Historical Marker

 Ingomar, Central Montana
J. Abraham “Abe” Bookman came from Ireland with his wife, Anna, and brother-in-law, Simon Sigman. More Info

50. Old Fort Gilbert Historical Marker

 Sidney, Northeast Montana
“Old Fort Gilbert” was situated directly east of this point on the west bank of the Yellowstone River. More Info

51. Nez Perce Sikum Historical Marker

 Lolo, Southwest Montana
Location: Highway 12 West of Lolo Sikum is the Nez Perce word for horse. The Nez Perce people were introduced to the horse in the 1730s. The word “appaloosa” was created by white settlers. More Info

52. The Vision Quest Historical Marker

 Harlem, Havre Area
High points such as mountain tops and tabletop buttes are considered powerful and sacred areas by many Indian peoples. More Info

53. Lewistown Historical Marker

 Lewistown, Central Montana
This area, the final hunting ground for Montana Indians, was the site of battles fought over the buffalo. More Info

54. Ingomar Historical Marker

 Ingomar, Central Montana
Upon completion of the Milwaukee Railroad in 1910, Ingomar became a hub of commerce in the area bounded by the Missouri, Musselshell and Yellowstone Rivers. More Info

55. Thar's Gold in Them Thar Hills Historic Marker

 Montana City, Helena Area
The mountains to the west are the Elkhorns. Those to the east across the Canyon Ferry Lake are the Big Belts. Both of these ranges are highly mineralized. More Info

56. E57B The Last Electric Locomotive Historical Marker

 Harlowton, Central Montana
The Milwaukee Road’s 656-mile electrified railroad ended at 11:40 P.M. June 15, 1974, when Engineer Art Morang stopped the E57B & E34C on the Harlowton Roundhouse Track. They were the last operating locomotives of the original 84 locomotives. More Info

57. Last Chance Gulch Historic Site

 Helena, Helena Area
The city of Helena started as a group of placer miners’ cabins and Main Street follows the bottom of Last Chance Gulch. More Info

58. Raynold’s Pass - Historical Marker

 Ennis, Bozeman Area
The low gap in the mountains on the sky line south of here is Raynolds Pass over the Continental Divide. More Info

59. Freighters Historical Marker

 Jefferson City, Helena Area
Time was when ox and mule teams used to freight along this route. A five-ton truck doesn’t look as picturesque but there hasn’t been much change in the language of the drivers. More Info

60. Circle Historical Marker

 Circle, Northeast Montana
Major Seth Mabry, a Confederate Army officer, came to the Redwater Valley about 1883, driving a herd of longhorns from Texas. More Info

61. The Thomas Party

 Greycliff, Livingston Area
In 1866, William Thomas, his son Charles, and a driver named Schultz left southern Illinois bound for the Gallatin Valley, Montana. More Info

62. The Bonanza or Bozeman Trail

 Big Timber, Livingston Area
In the early 1860s, there wasn’t a ranch in this country from Bismarck to Bozeman and from the Platte River to Canada. To whites it was land considered “fit only to raise Indians” and while some of them were hoping for a crop failure, More Info

63. Wood Mountain Trail Historical Marker

 Scobey, Northeast Montana
This Indian trail extended from the Yellowstone River past this point to the Wood Mountains in Canada. More Info

64. Indian Country Historical Marker

 Jordan, Northeast Montana
Until the early 1880s, this portion of Montana was a wild unsettled country where roving parties of Sioux, Crow and Assiniboine Indians hunted buffalo and clashed in tribal warfare. More Info

65. Maiden's Gold Historical Marker

 Lewistown, Central Montana
The old mining camp of Maiden, now a ghost town, is located about 10 miles east of here. More Info

66. Our Lady of the Little Rockies Historical Marker

 Hays, Havre Area
This shrine was erected in 1931 by Father B. Feusi S.J. and Tom Flack, (a German Immigrant), in honor of the Virgin Mary. More Info

67. Fort Belknap Reservation Historical Marker

 Harlem, Havre Area
Fort Belknap Reservation was established in 1888 when the Gros Ventres, Blackfeet, and River Crows ceded to the government 17,500,000 acres of their joint reservation that had covered all of northern Montana east of the Rocky Mountains. More Info

68. Wolf Point Historical Marker

 Wolf Point, Northeast Montana
The Lewis and Clark Expedition passed here, westward bound in 1805. Fur trappers and traders followed a few years later. More Info

69. Union Pacific Dining Hall - Historical Marker

 West Yellowstone, Big Sky/Yellowstone Area
As tourism blossomed during the first decades of the twentieth century, the Union Pacific Railroad considered how to better accommodate travelers. More Info

70. The Red Lodge Country

 Red Lodge, Red Lodge Area
According to tradition, a band of Crow Indians left the main tribe and moved west into the foothills of the Beartooth Range many years ago. More Info

71. Old Trail to the Gold Diggins'

 Dell, Butte Area
Along in the early 1840s the Americans were like they are now, seething to go somewhere. It got around that Oregon was quite a place. The Iowa people hadn’t located California yet. More Info

72. The Judith River Historical Marker

 Hobson, Central Montana
When the Lewis and Clark Expedition came up the Missouri River in 1805 Capt. Clark named the Judith River for one of the girls he left behind him. More Info

73. The Judith Landing Historical Marker

 Winifred, Havre Area
This area, which surrounds the confluence of the Missouri and Judith Rivers, was designated a National Historic District in 1974 because of its historic importance to Montana’s transportation system. More Info

74. The Battle of Bears Paw Historical Marker

 Chinook, Havre Area
This battle was fought September 30 to October 5, 1877, on Snake Creek, about 20 miles south of here near the Bears Paw Mountains, where after a five days’ siege Chief Joseph, one of five remaining Nez Perce leaders More Info

75. The Sweet Grass Hills Historical Marker

 Chester, Havre Area
You can see the Sweet Grass Hills or the Three Buttes to the north of here on a reasonably clear day. More Info

76. The Valley of a Thousand Haystacks Historical Marker

 Garrison, Southwest Montana
Location: Garrison The Little Blackfoot Valley is filled with lush hay fields. You already may have noticed the rounded haystacks and commented on the strange lodgepole structures standing in many of the fields. More Info

77. The Original Voges Bridge

 Big Timber, Livingston Area
In late 1913, Sweet Grass County residents petitioned the County Commissioners to build a bridge across the Yellowstone River west of Big Timber. More Info

78. Wahkpa Chu'gn Meat Market Historical Marker

 Havre, Havre Area
Just behind this modern shopping center is a market of an earlier vintage. More Info

79. The Changing Landscape Historical Marker

 Lolo, Southwest Montana
Historical Marker Located Highway 12 west of Lolo The Lewis and Clark and the Nez Perce National Historic trails collectively referred to as the Lolo Trail, follow the ridges north of U.S. Highway 12. More Info

80. Mining Country Historical Marker

 Helena, Helena Area
This is about the center of a rich mining district extending from Butte to Helena. The mountains are spurs of the Continental Divide. More Info

81. The Judith Basin Country Historical Marker

 Lewistown, Central Montana
The first white man to explore this district was Hugh Monroe, called “Rising Wolf” by the Blackfeet Indians. More Info

82. The Crazy Mountains Historical Marker

 Greycliff, Livingston Area
Called Awaxaawippiia by the Apsaalooka (Crow) Indians, the Crazy Mountains, which you can see to the northwest, are an igneous formation forged about 50 million years ago. More Info

83. Sawtell's Ranch

 Monida, Butte Area
In 1868, Gilman Sawtell started a dude ranch and Henry’s Lake fishery that did much to develop this natural resort area. More Info

84. The Crazy Mountains Historical Marker

 Harlowton, Central Montana
The Crazy Mountains, which you can see to the southwest, are an outlying range. They are far more rugged and beautiful than they appear at a distance. More Info

85. The Story of the Miraculous Statue Historical Marker

 Hays, Havre Area
In the little Swiss town of Einsiedeln lived an aged and holy wood-carver who had great devotion to the Blessed Mother of God. More Info

86. Snowden Bridge Historical Marker

 Bainville, Northeast Montana
The only vertical lift bridge in Montana is located 10 miles south of here on the Missouri River. More Info

87. The Wolf Point Bridge Historical Marker

 Wolf Point, Northeast Montana
The Wolf Point Bridge was the result of many years of lobbying by Roosevelt and McCone county citizens led by Wolf Point businessman William Young. More Info

88. Rocky Mountain Laboratory Historical Marker

 Hamilton, Southwest Montana
In earlier days, Rocky Mountain spotted fever was a dreaded malady in the West. The first case of spotted fever was recorded in the Bitterroot Valley in 1873. Neither cause nor cure was known and mortality was high. More Info

89. The 1959 Earthquake - Historical Marker

 West Yellowstone, Big Sky/Yellowstone Area
On August 17, 1959, at 11:37 P.M., this spectacularly scenic section of Montana became the focus of worldwide attention and made modern history. More Info

90. The Mullan Road Historical Marker

 Helena, Helena Area
From this point west to the Idaho line I-90 follows the route of a military road located and constructed during 1858-62 by Captain John Mullan, 2nd Artillery, U.S. Army. More Info

91. The Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness

 Pray, Livingston Area
The Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, which lies to the east, contains the largest single expanse of land above 10,000 feet in elevation in the United States. More Info

92. The Iron Mountain Mine

 Superior, Missoula Area
The Iron Mountain Mine, one of the largest and most successful quartz mines in western Montana, was located about 12 miles north of here. More Info

93. The Montana Central Railroad Historical Marker

 Craig, Helena Area
The Montana Central Railroad used to run on the tracks that follow Little Prickly Pear Creek and the highway. More Info

94. The Boulder River Bridge Historical Marker

 Boulder, Helena Area
The trusses on this structure were salvaged from the “Hubbard” or “Red” Bridge. More Info

95. The Mann Gulch Fire Historic Marker

 Wolf Creek, Helena Area
At an isolated gulch about three miles northeast of here on August 5, 1949, twelve smokejumpers and a Forest Service employee died when a routine fire unexpectedly turned deadly. More Info

96. The Smith River Valley Historical Marker

 White Sulphur Springs, Central Montana
The mountains to the west are the Big Belts, and those to the east are the Castle Mountains. More Info

97. Lewis and Clark Expedition

 Butte, Butte Area
On August 1, 1805, the Lewis and Clark Expedition camped at a point 200 yards west from this spot, on the south bank of the river facing the mouth of the creek which flows into the river from the north. More Info

98. Old Fort Peck Historical Marker

 Fort Peck, Northeast Montana
On the west bank of the Missouri River, about 1 mile from the Dam was located Old Fort Peck More Info

99. The Prickly Pear Diggings Historical Marker

 Jefferson City, Helena Area
The Fisk or Northern Overland Expedition camped on the future site of Montana City just east of the highway in September 1862. More Info

100. Fort Owen Historical Marker

 Stevensville, Southwest Montana
Between 1831 and 1840 the Flathead Indians sent out three delegations, with St. Louis as their objective, to petition that “Black Robes” be sent to teach them. More Info