Virginia City


Virginia City 59729,Butte Area,Madison County

Map Location

Ghost TownsHistorical Markers/Interpretive SignHistoric Sites
General info

All of Montana has the deepest pride and affection for Virginia City. No more colorful pioneer mining camp ever existed. Dramatic tales of the early days in this vicinity are legion.

Rich placer diggin’s were discovered in Alder Gulch in the spring of 1863 and the stampede of gold-seekers and their parasites was on. Sluices soon lined the gulch and various “cities” blossomed forth as trading and amusement centers for freehanded miners. Virginia City, best known of these and the sole survivor, became the Capital of the Territory. Pioneers, who with their descendants were to mold the destinies of the state, were among its first citizens. If you like true stories more picturesque than fiction, Virginia City and Alder Gulch can furnish them in countless numbers.

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1627 W. Main #447
Bozeman, MT 59715

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